APIC has been bringing together leading innovation scholars in the Asia Pacific region since 2010.

Welcoming you this 2024 in Manila, Philippines.

The 14th Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference, organized and hosted by De La Salle University and the Asia Pacific Innovation Conference Network (APIC), will be held on October 4-5, 2024, in Manila, Philippines.   The afternoon session of the first day of the conference (October 3) will feature a workshop for early career researchers and scholars, including post-docs, PhD students, and advanced master’s students.

The conference aims to foster a trans-disciplinary exchange of knowledge related to innovation, intellectual property rights, and science and technology policy. Sessions will include keynote speeches, panel discussions, and paper presentations. Scholars (including Ph.D. students) from all disciplines and practitioners interested in the economic, managerial, legal, and policy aspects of innovation studies are encouraged to attend and present their work.

This year’s conference bears the theme “Collaborative Innovation for Sustainable Futures.” It responds to the more resounding calls for innovative yet collaborative approaches in mitigating global development challenges and fostering a deeper understanding of innovation policy actors' roles. The conference emphasizes the importance of cross-sector collaboration, the value of inter- and cross-disciplinary lenses, robust research approaches to understanding these challenges, and harnessing digital technologies to address pressing global challenges while advancing sustainable development goals (SDGs).  Finally, it aims to foster collaboration, knowledge exchange, and networking among innovators, entrepreneurs, academia, government agencies, and industry stakeholders to drive collaborative innovation globally.

Themes and Topics:

The Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference (APIC) 2024 welcomes original research contributions on all topics related to the conference theme.  Through invited talks, papers, and panels, the conference aims to raise three critical yet over-arching questions relevant to collaborative innovation in the Asia-Pacific Region:

  • First, what are the implications of intellectual property policies for fostering inclusive innovation ecosystems and addressing socio-economic disparities within and across countries in the Asia-Pacific region? Can policy agents ensure equitable access to the benefits of innovation activities while safeguarding creators' rights? How can collaboration at the micro and meso levels enhance and incentivize innovation actors toward sustainable development?

  • Second, what legal and policy mechanisms are necessary to jumpstart and facilitate more profound technology transfer and knowledge diffusion across borders in the Asia-Pacific region? Considering participating countries' diverse intellectual property landscapes and development levels, what policy mechanisms and modalities are available for innovation actors to collaborate with their peers across the Asia Pacific and beyond?

  • Lastly, what strategies effectively balance the need for intellectual property protection with promoting open innovation models, cross-sectoral collaborative research initiatives, and knowledge-sharing platforms, especially in sectors critical for sustainable development and societal progress?

With these questions in mind, the organizers welcome theoretical and empirical papers in innovation studies, including papers with direct and clear implications for innovation policy and management. They can also be in any methodological tradition (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods, or data science-driven approaches). The conference also welcomes papers critically and systematically examining the state of the art relevant to the theme. As such, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, scoping, and narrative reviews are encouraged, and will be given a particular presentation track. These papers preferably must demonstrate proper use and adherence to reporting guidelines such as Prisma (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses).

The organizers and the board welcome papers on the following areas:

  • Innovation policy and management

  • Management of technologies and markets for technology

  • National innovation systems’ performance

  • Technology spillovers and innovation cooperation

  • Digital transformation, e-government,  and development

  •  Fintech and financial innovations in financial markets

  • Intellectual property, creativity, and the creative economy

  • Intellectual property rights protection under Industry 4.0

  • International cooperation agreements and innovation cooperation

  • Innovation systems in developed and developing countries

  • Innovation financing in developed and developing countries

  • Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0

  • Macro and micro approaches in understanding the role of innovation in structural transformation

  • Policy innovations in addressing development gaps and challenges

  • Human capital and North-South knowledge flows

  • Entrepreneurial approaches to understanding social innovation

  • Innovation among start-ups and spin-off firms

  • The changing nature of innovation in the data-driven economy 

  • University research, technology transfer, technology commercialization, and university-industry collaborations

  • Other themes relevant to innovation studies in the region

Submission and Timelines

We invite interested authors to submit their papers or 500-word extended abstracts by September 15, 2024 (final call/round), via Oxford Abstracts (https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/39244/submitter).  All submissions will be peer-reviewed, and the decisions will be sent out by September 20, 2024.

Authors must indicate the name of the presenter and his/her contact details (affiliation and email). All submissions must be submitted via the Oxford Abstracts platform. All Inquiries may be addressed to the organizers via email at apic2024@dlsu.edu.ph, cc: daisy.mojares@dlsu.edu.ph and jason.alinsunurin@dlsu.ph


The registration website for the conference will open shortly. Please visit the webpage at http://ap-ic.org for the most current information. The in-person conference registration fee covering conference registration, conference packet suite, lunches, drinks, and a welcome dinner will be 200 USD per person.  A PhD student (domestic or international) whose paper has been accepted is eligible for a discounted registration of 150 USD per scholar.

Presenting authors must register by September 25, 2024, to be accommodated in the conference program. 

Local participants will be offered reduced and concession rates, and group discounts (for non-presenting authors). 

The organizers will assist confirmed participants needing visa support, such as invitation letters. Participants will be responsible for visa requirements (if required) to enter the Philippines. The complete list of visa-exempt countries or VOA is available here: https://dfa.gov.ph/list-of-countries-for-21-day-visa



DLSU Address: 2401 Taft Avenue, Manila 0922 Philippines. Telephone: (632) 524-4611 / 465-8900

Website: http://ap-ic.org 

Email:  apic2024@dlsu.edu.ph // Please copy emails with daisy.mojares@dlsu.edu.ph

Submission link: https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/stages/39244/submitter

Facebook Pages: De La Salle University and DLSU School of Economics

Local Organizing Committee at DLSU

DLSU School of Economics (SOE): Arlene Inocencio, Jason Alinsunurin, Alellie Sobreviñas, Madeleine Estabillo, Albert Lamberte, and Mariel Monica Sauler; De La Salle University Intellectual Property Office (DIPO): Christopher Cruz, Peter Immanuel Tenido, and Pamela Raye Tadeo.